Inter-Agency Development Research Information System Database Sample Record


Sample record from the IDRIS database

Agency: IDRC	File: 3-P-83-0295	ISN: 11956	Donor: IDRC

Record Last Modified: 19840726	Alternate Language: FRE

Shelterbelts (Tunisia)- Phase II

	326700 CAD

Date Funds Committed: 19840705	Completion Date: 19870705

- Co-funding Agencies -

Institute for Dry Regions (IRA)

National Institute of Forestry Research

- Recipient Institutions

Institut national de la recherche agronomie de Tunisie (INRAT) Ariana TN

Address: INRAT, Ministere de l'agriculture, Avenue de l'lndependence, B.P. 2, Ariana, Tunisie

- Researchers -

Bensarti, Jelia Ms

/shelterbelts/ /erosion control /soil erosion/ /trees/

Area Under Study: /Tunisia/

This is the second phase of a project in Tunisia to study the effectiveness of using trees as
shelterbelts or wind breaks during different growing seasons and under a variety of climatic
conditions. The research is particularly important for the dry zones in the Sahara where
agricultural production is so dependent of protection against wind erosion. Specifically, the project
aims to determine the effects of shelterbelts on the physiology of market garden plants; the types
of trees best adapted for reducing wind erosion under arid conditions; and the potential for
increasing crop production -- and income - through the use of shelterbelts. During the last year of
the project a program to promote the use of shelterbelts by farmers will be carried out.

The language of IDRIS is English; some records also contain French abstracts.