Publications Catalog 1993 - Database and Reference



World Resources 1992-93

World Resources Institute in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Programme

Widely recognized as an authoritative assessment of the world's natural resource base, World Resources reports are definitive references on the global environment, containing the latest information on essential economic, population, and natural resource conditions and trends for 153 countries.

World Resources 1992-93, the fifth volume in this acclaimed series, is the first and only book of its kind to analyze systematically the prospects for sustainable development in both global and regional terms.

Special features of this outstanding edition include:

Sustainable Development Assessment - An in-depth look at the economic, human, ecological, and technological prerequisites for sustainable development in OECD, newly industrialized, and poor countries.

New Findings on Land Degradation - Over the past 50 years, moderate to severe soil degradation occurred over an area larger than China and India combined. Presenting the results of the first global assessment of land degradation, this volume analyzes the causes and extent of the damage to the world's soils. World Resources points out that the continuation of soil degrading activities will make even more difficult the job of providing growing populations with food, fuel, and fiber.

Eastern and Central European Environment Report - A survey of this region's most critical environmental problems, including air and water pollution and land degradation.

Global Data Tables - the latest data available on economic, population, environment, and natural resource conditions for 153 countries.

Current Trend Reports - Incisive summaries of global conditions and trends in more than one dozen key issue areas, including technology transfer, population and health, food and agriculture, oceans and coasts, energy, wildlife and habitat, and forests and rangelands.

Relied upon by policymakers, journalists, scientists, teachers, students, and concerned citizens around the world, World Resources is the best desktop reference on the global environment now available.


Part I--Sustainable Development

Part II--Regional Focus

Part III--Conditions and Trends

Part IV--Data Tables

"An indispensable asset to anyone working on global problems...Altogether, this is a remarkable volume."--Kenneth E. Boulding, Global Environmental Change

"A marvelously comprehensive, well-produced handbook."--The New York Review of Books

"Fascinating reading...An indispensable guide to all those whose decisions impact on the world's natural resource systems."--Maurice F. Strong, Secretary General, 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development

"Objective, readable and intelligently designed." --Science News

"An unparalleled educational resource for today's students. Whatever you need to know about the global environment can most likely be found in this book."--Gilbert Grosvenor, President, National Geographic Society

"Outshines its competitors both as an information source and as a policy guide...The overpowering challenger in the contest for primacy among environmental almanacs."--The Environmental Forum

"Performs a valuable service for government leaders, policymakers, corporations, and citizens' organizations around the world."--William D. Ruckelshaus, Chief Executive Officer, Browning-Ferris Industries

400 pages, large-format paperback
ISBN 0-195-06231-0
Order Code WR92P, $19.95


Also Available in Spanish, Order Code WR92S


World Resources 1992-93 Data Base Diskette

Receive World Resources 1992-93 free of charge when you order this outstanding research and reference tool.

Gain instant access to the World Resources Institute's authoritative data base on global conditions and trends. This time-saving research and reference tool contains all the vital economic, population, natural resource, and environmental statistics found in the print edition of World Resources l992-93, plus 20-year time series for many variables, and more. You won't find this extensive collection of global data from any other source.

Equally suitable for fast fact finding and extensive statistical analysis, this valuable database contains 483 essential variables for 176 countries and 13 regional and economic groupings. User-friendly software includes mathematical and statistical functions and lets you browse, select, manipulate, print, and transport any or all of the data. You can also create charts, graphs, and tables. The IBM-compatible, high-density diskettes can be used on any p.c. or compatible computer with a high-density floppy disk drive, hard drive, and 512K RAM.

3.5" and 5.25" high-density diskettes, IBM-compatible
Order Code WRDD2, $119.95
(includes free copy of World Resources 1992-93)

Teacher's Guide to World Resources 1992-93

Bring World Resources' wealth of global information into the classroom with the acclaimed companion Teacher's Guide to World Resources 1992-93. This 130-page handbook facilitates use of World Resources 1992-93 in high school social studies, geography, science, and global studies curricula. It contains step-by-step lesson plans for using World Resources 1992-93 to teach about six critical issue areas: sustainable development; global warming; watershed pollution; deforestation and biodiversity; population, poverty, and pollution; and citizen action.

For each of these vital topics, the Teacher's Guide provides an introduction to the issue, learning objectives and critical skill building techniques, lesson plans for one or more class periods, student enrichment activities, reproducible student handouts, transparency masters, suggested reading lists, and more.

130 pages, large-format paperback
Order Code TG92P, $5.95

World Resources Cumulative Index

A must for the serious researcher and every environmental library, this in-depth index covers the entire World Resources series. Use it to identify and locate the wealth of information contained in each of the five World Resources Volumes published since 1986. Regional and special-focus topic areas include sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, hazardous waste management, pollution, forest decline, climate change, and sustainable development.

30 pages, large-format paperback
ISBN 0-915825-87-2
Order Code WRIP, $4.95


The l993 Information Please Environmental Almanac

Compiled by World Resources Institute

Completely updated and revised from the acclaimed 1992 edition, this new, 704-page paperback puts at your fingertips the most extensive collection of local, national, and international environmental facts ever compiled for general audiences. With up-to-the-minute news on virtually every environmental concern, the 1993 Information Please Environmental Almanac is the one-and-only book you need for concise, accurate, authoritative information on everything from home energy efficiency to the ozone hole.

Organized into three main sections--"Close to Home," "A National View," and "Global Perspectives,"--this volume includes:

National and global statistics: environmental profiles and comparisons for every country in the world, every state in the union, and every Canadian province--including quality of life, habitats, energy consumption, wastes and pollution.

New green city rankings: the 64 largest U.S. cities are rated on air and water quality, energy cost, population density, environmental stress, and more.

State energy report cards: new ratings on each state's efforts to conserve electric power.

Essays and expert analysis: the latest developments and background information on dozens of critical topics, including cleaning up the toxic residues of the Cold War, the crisis in ozone depletion, and mounting evidence for global warming.

Hundreds of charts, graphs, tables, and maps: a wealth of environmental statistics drawn from the World Resources Institute's renowned global data base is instantly accessible in clear, readable, well-organized formats.

Equally suitable for fast fact-finding, leisurely browsing, and extended reading, the 1993 Information Please Environmental Almanac is a comprehensive environmental primer, reference book, consumer guide and practical handbook all-in-one.

704 pages, paperback
ISBN 0-395-63766-X
Order Code IP93P, $10.95

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Booksellers and wholesalers should order directly from the publisher.


l993 Directory of Country Environmental Studies

World Resources Institute in cooperation with the International Institute for Environment and Development and The World Conservation Union

Looking for up-to-date information on environmental assessments of developing countries and regions? This one-of-a-kind annotated bibliography is an excellent reference for information on the content and availability of more than 325 studies of environmental and natural resource conditions in the developing world. Revised and expanded from the 1990 Directory of Country Environmental Studies, this new edition includes summaries of the National Reports prepared by most developing countries for the June l992 "Earth Summit"--the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. For each study, this Directory provides an abstract and cites the title, author, sponsoring and collaborating organizations, and the publication date and tells how the study can be obtained. Created for international donor and aid institutions as well as for governments and nongovernmental organizations, the Directory is a unique and time-saving research tool.

230 pages, large-format paperback
ISBN 0-915825-88-0
Order Code CIDCP, $19.95

l993 C.E.S. Companion Diskette

Make your research even easier with the electronic version of the l993 Directory of Country Environmental Studies. This popular diskette contains all the bibliographic information in the print edition of the Directory. Use it to search, retrieve, and print the information you need in a matter of minutes. The easy-to-use software program lets you search hundreds of bibliographic entries by environmental topic, country, region, funder, date, author, and hundreds of other pertinent categories. This is the only bibliographic data base on environmental assessments available on diskette.

3.5" high-density diskette, IBM compatible
Order Code CID3, $49.95
5.25" high-density diskette, IBM compatible
Order Code CID5, $49.95

Global Biodiversity l992: Status of Earth's Living Resources

Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre

This comprehensive compendium of global biodiversity statistics documents the status, threat, management and utilization of global biological resources. Gathered from national and international agencies, published literature, and unpublished sources, the information is presented in tables, maps and graphics for 208 countries. Coverage includes diversity at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels; trends and rates of change; in situ and ex situ management; benefits and values of biodiversity; institutional and financial support; analysis of deficiencies in data availability; and data requirements for monitoring.

450 pages, large-format cloth
ISBN 2-8317-0079-5
Order Code WCMCP, $35.00