FIELD CHARACTER NAME POSITIONS DESCRIPTION NAME 017-080 ATLAS internal field (can be deleted) NAME2 081-144 ATLAS internal field (can be deleted) LAT 145-150 Latitude of center point (degrees-minutes-seconds) NS 151-151 North-South Hemisphere LONG 152-158 Longitude of center point (degrees-minutes-seconds) EW 159-159 East-West Hemisphere SPLIT 160-160 Split cell indicator (cells shared by another country) COUNTRY 161-162 Country Code PROV 163-164 Province Code ICOD 165-168 "01" plus the last two digits of the first projection year SIGN 169-169 indicates positive or negative growth rate AAGRC 170-171 Average Annual Growth Rate (in tenths of a percent) PP1 172-175 Population projection in hundreds, year 1 PP2 176-179 Population projection in hundreds, year 2 PP3 180-183 Population projection in hundreds, year 3 PP4 184-187 Population projection in hundreds, year 4 PP5 188-191 Population projection in hundreds, year 5 PP6 192-195 Population projection in hundreds, year 6 PP7 196-199 Population projection in hundreds, year 7 PP8 200-203 Population projection in hundreds, year 8 PP9 204-207 Population projection in hundreds, year 9 PP10 208-211 Population projection in hundreds, year 10 PP11 212-215 Population projection in hundreds, year 11 PP12 216-219 Population projection in hundreds, year 12 CENPOP 220-223 Official census population, base census year CENYEAR 224-225 Last two digits of base census year