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Stakeholder Profile: New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY)


SCS Engineers. 1985a. Landfill design report, Pennsylvania Avenue Landfill, Brooklyn, New York. Prepared for the City of New York Department of Sanitation (DOS) and Gibbs & Hill, Inc. 20pp. (JABERRT # 28).

SCS Engineers. 1985b. Leachate management for the Pennsylvania Avenue Landfill, Brooklyn, New York. Prepared for the city of New York Department of Sanitation (DOS) and Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Unpublished. (JABERRT # 242, RIC # 2167).

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984a. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Part I: Regional Report. Gibbs & Hill, New York City, Department of Sanitation (DOS), New York, NY. 63pp. (JABERRT # 38).

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984b. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Part II: site report. Gibbs & Hill, Inc. (JABERRT # 45).

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984c. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Appendix B, laboratory and field programs. Gibbs & Hill, New York City, Department of Sanitation (DOS). 158pp.

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984d. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Appendix C, boring logs. Gibbs & Hill, New York City, Department of Sanitation (DOS). 49pp.

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984e. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Appendix D, soil laboratory testing and rated parameters. Gibbs & Hill, New York City, Department of Sanitation (DOS). 105pp.

New York City Department of Sanitation. 1984f. Hydrogeologic study: Fountain Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Edgemere landfills. Appendix E, laboratory analysis. Gibbs & Hill, New York City, Department of Sanitation (DOS). 134pp.

Pirnie, M. 1983. Result of water quality sampling events: Pennsylvania Avenue, Fountain Avenue, Edgemere and Pelham Bay landfills. Unpublished. Malcolm Pirnie, Environmental Engineers, Scientists and Planners for New York City Department of the Sanitation Brinckerhoff-Cosulich, P. 1982. Investigation of indicator pollutant levels of New York City landfills. Unpublished. ,U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, Gateway National Recreation Area, Floyd Bennett Field for New York Department of Sanitation, New York, NY. 100 pp.

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