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Stakeholder Profile: Natural Resources Protective Association (NRPA)

Established in 1977 by legendary bayman Lou Figurelli, the NRPA is a consortium of conservation groups, yacht clubs, sportsmen clubs, environmental groups and concerned citizens dedicated to the protection of the marine environment of Raritan Bay, and Lower New York Harbor, including Jamaica Bay. The NRPA in close association with the NY\NJ Baykeeper of Highlands NJ, Save The Bay of Keansburg NJ, Clean Ocean Action, and Coastal Conservation Association/New York have worked on protecting the New York Bight ecosystem.

The NRPA has fought against the dumping of toxic chemicals by large chemical corporations, mechanical dredging for clams and oysters, and has worked for beach replenishment, jetties, fishing piers, public access, to stop pollution, as well as a host of other environmental concerns effecting Lower New York Harbor, Raritan Bay, and the New York Bight.


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