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Stakeholder Profile: New York State Department of State (DOS)

The DOS Division of Coastal Resources is responsible for implementation of the State's Coastal Zone Management Program pursuant to the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 and the State Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act of 1981. These acts call for the coordinated, comprehensive, and full exercise of governmental authority over land and water uses in the coastal area for the purpose of preserving and using coastal resources in a manner that balances natural resource protection and other uses. The Division provides a variety of technical assistance and grants to local governments to improve their waterfronts and also reviews all federal and state actions in the coastal zone to ensure their consistency with State Coastal Policies. As an important part of the state's coastal area, the Division has a number of ongoing projects in and adjacent to Jamaica Bay with New York City and others, and maintains a keen interest in its environmental and economic health.


NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program (HEP), POC - Nancy Welsh
The DOS is the current chair of the NY/NJ HEP Habitat Workgroup. Jamaica Bay is one of three priority watersheds under the program. There are 25 priority restoration and acquisition sites in the Jamaica Bay watershed listed by HEP's Habitat Workgroup. The program advocates a watershed_ecosystems management approach to habitat acquisition and restoration, acknowledging that the estuary will be protected only when hydrologically connected upland systems are protected.

NYC Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP), POC - Nancy Welsh
Jamaica Bay is identified as one of three Special Waterfront Natural Areas (SWNA) under the New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program, administered by the Department of City Planning. The WRP is a local extension of the Division's coastal consistency authority. These areas reveal particular natural features that must be considered in connection with any waterfront activity. Within these areas, the assemblage of various significant natural resources, such as wetlands and forested areas, indicates that resource protection is the priority. Thus, resource protection policies are of heightened importance during consistency review. The zoning resolution defines acceptable uses in these areas, which are focused on parkland, trails, natural and open spaces, and lower intensity uses. Management plans prepared for these areas will highlight resource restoration and enhancement opportunities, including consideration of erosion management, as appropriate.

Significant Coastal Fish & Wildlife Habitats, POC - Jeffrey Zappieri
A policy aimed at protecting our most important coastal habitats was established in the New York State Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act of 1981. A habitat is deemed significant if it serves one or more of the following functions: essential to the survival of a large portion of a fish or wildlife population; supports populations of species which are endangered, threatened, or of special concern; supports populations having significant commercial, recreational, or educational value; and/or exemplifies a habitat type which is not commonly found in the state or in a coastal region. Jamaica Bay is classified as a Significant Coastal Fish & Wildlife Habitat (SCFWH) site. A habitat map and narrative provide site-specific information, including a description of the habitat, its fish and wildlife values, and an impact assessment.


Niedowski, N.L. 2000. New York State Salt Marsh Restoration and Monitoring Guidelines. New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources, Albany, NY and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources, Bureau of Marine Resources, East Setauket, NY. (JABERRT # 369).

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