Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network

8. Citation Information

Citation Information provides the bibliographic details for referencing the data set or information resource being described, as well as any other source material utilized in creating the metadata record. As such, Citation Information is used by mult iple sections of these metadata guidelines.

This section contains definitions and examples for the following metadata elements.

Publication Date
Publication Time
Journal Information
Series Information
Publication Information
Data Presentation Form
Online Linkage
Other Citation Details
Larger Work Citation


Definition: The formal, established title of the data or information resource being described. The title is always the full and complete name by which the resource is known. The title should be descriptive enough to allow a user to make a reason able decision as to whether the resource may be of interest. The title is never changed or abbreviated in the metadata record. If an acronym exists, place it in parentheses following the full title.

Format: Free text.

Title: Gridded Population of the World (GPW)
Title: Population Database of Mexico
Title: World Treaties for the Protection of the Environment
Title: Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS)

Definition: The name of the organization(s) or individual(s) that developed, created, or authored the data set or information resource. Use the full name of the organization. If an acronym exists, place it in parentheses after the name o f the organization. If the name of editors or compilers are provided, the name must be followed by "(ed.)" or "(comp.)" respectively.

The Originator element is designed to be part of a formal citation; to provide appropriate credit for the creation, development, and/or authorship of a particular resource. Such credit need not include specific contact information (such as email, pho ne, or postal address). Specific contact details should be included only with the consent of the individual(s) or organization(s) being listed.

Originator requires contact information. Guidelines and examples for applying the metadata sub-elements for Originator are contained in
Section 10 (Contact Information ). Multiples are allowed; each Originator listed requi res a separate contact record.

Format: Free text.

Originator: Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Originator: John Smith (comp.)

Publication Date/Time

Definition: The date when the data or information resource was published or otherwise made available. Use the 'copyright' date if available. If there is no established date on or within the item, indicate this by using "[n.d.]" in brackets. If there is no established date on or within the item, but the metadata author knows the date from other sources, treat this as "cataloger supplied" information and indicate the date by placing it in brackets "[1997]". If relevant, include the time of day when the data set was published or otherwise made available for release.

Format: Free text

Publication Date: 1997
Publication Date: [n.d.] (no established date available for item)
Publication Date: September 1995
Publication Date: [1997] (date supplied by metadata author; known from a source other than the item itself)
Publication Date: 1997-01-20/12:20:03 (date and time)

Definition: The formally designated version of the data set or information resource being described.

Format: Free text

Edition: 2.0
Edition: 3rd edition
Edition: Second Edition
Journal Information

Journal Information identifies the journal publication of which the data set or information resource is a part. This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.

Journal Title

Definition: The formal established title of the journal publication.

Format: Free text.

Journal Title: Social Science Quarterly

Volume/Issue Identification

Definition: Information identifying the volume and issue of the journal publication.

Format: Free text.

Volume/Issue Identification:: 10 (2): 18-27
Volume/Issue Identification:: 53 : 993-1027
Volume/Issue Identification:: vol. 8, no.2, pp.1-12
Series Information

Series Information identifies the series publication of which the data set or information resource is a part. A "series" is generally defined as a succession of continuously numbered volumes or issues on a subject or related subjects. This metadata ele ment encompasses the following sub-elements.

Series Name

Definition: The title of the series publication of which the data set or information resource is a part.

Format: Free text.

Series Name: Regional Environmental Indicators of Global Climate Change

Issue Identification

Definition: Information identifying the issue of the series publication of which the data set or information resource is a part.

Format: Free text.

Issue Identification: Number 7: Sub-Saharan Africa

Publication Information

Publication information contains details for a published data set or information resource. This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.

Publication Place

Definition: The name of the city (and state/province and country if needed to identify the city) where the data set or information resource was published. If no established place of publication can be found on or within the resource, indicate thi s lack of information as ["s.l."]. If no established place of publication can be found on or within the resource, but the metadata author can confirm the place of publication from other sources, treat this as "cataloger supplied" information and indicate the place of publication by placing it in brackets "[Nairobi]".

Format: Free text.

Publication Place: London
Publication Place: University Center, Michigan, USA
Publication Place: [s.l.] (place of publication not known)
Publication Place: [Paris] (cataloger supplied information)

Definition: The name of the organization(s) or individual(s) that published the data set or information resource. If an acronym exists for an organization, place it in parentheses following the full organization name. If no publisher is given, o r is not evident on or within the resource, indicate this by using "[s.n.]".

Format: Free text.

Publisher: The World Bank
Publisher: The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Publisher: [s.n.] (publisher not known).
Data Presentation Form

Definition: The medium, material type, format, or mode in which the data or information resource is presented.

Format: Select from the following list:
Data Form List:print
computer database
computer file
electronic text
remote-sensing image

Note: If you are writing metadata for geospatial data in compliance with the FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), you must confine your selection to the following terms only: atlas, diagram, globe, map, model, profile, rem ote-sensing image, section, view.

Data Presentation Form: computer file
Data Presentation Form: model
Data Presentation Form: online
Data Presentation Form: section
Online Linkage

Definition: The name of an online computer resource that contains the data set.

http://Hypertext Transfer protocol
ftp://File Transfer protocol
telnet://Reference to interactive sessions
gopher://Gopher protocol
wais://Wide Area Information Servers
mailto:Electronic mail address; electronic mailing list address
news:USENET news
file://Host-specific file names
nntp://USENET news using NNTP access
prospero://Prospero Directory Service
z39.50s://Z39.50 Session
z39.50r://Z39.50 Retrieval
nfs://network file system protocol

Online Linkage:
Online Linkage:

Other Citation Details

Definition: Additional information necessary to complete the citation.

Format: Free text.

Larger Work Citation

Definition: Citation information identifying a larger work of which the data set or information resource is a part.

Format: Free text.

Larger Work Citation requires citation information. Guidelines and examples for applying the metadata sub-elements for Larger Work Citation are contained in
Section 8 (Citation Information).

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© 1998. CIESIN.
Revised: March 1998.
For more information contact CIESIN User Services:
E-mail:, Telephone: +1-517-797-2727.