Center for International Earth Science Information Network

10. Contact Information

Contact Information provides the identity of, and the means to communicate with, the person(s) and organization(s) associated with the data set or information resource. This association can take several forms (e.g. technical assistance, distribution information, metadata content, etc.). As such, Contact Information is used by multiple sections of these metadata guidelines.

This section contains definitions, formats, and examples for the following metadata elements:

Contact Information - Person
Contact Information - Organization
Address Details
Communication Details

Contact Information - Person

Contact Information - Person contains the name, position title, and contact instructions for the person(s) associated with the data set or information resource being described. Multiples are allowed; a separate record for each individual is required.

This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.


Definition: The name of the individual to whom the contact information applies.

Format: Free text. First, Middle, and Last Name.

Name: John Smith
Name: Henry David Thoreau
Position Title

Definition: The title of the individual listed as contact.

Format: Free text.

Position Title: Information Specialist
Position Title: Data Analyst
Position Title: Social Scientist
Hours Available
Definition: The time period when the individual can be contacted.

Format: Free text.

Hours Available: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday
Contact Instructions
Definition: Additional instructions on how and when to contact the individual.

Format: Free Text.
Contact Information - Organization

Contact Information - Organization contains the name, department, and contact instructions for the organization(s) associated with the data set or information resource being described. Multiples are allowed; a separate record for each organization is required.

This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.

Organization Name
Definition: The name of the organization to which the contact information applies.

Format: Free text.

Organization Name: Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
Organization Acronym
Definition: The acronym of the organization, if one exists.
Format: Free text.

Acronym: CIESIN
Organization Department
Definition: The department or unit within the organization to which the contact information applies.

Format: Free text.

Department: Metadata Administration
Department: User Services
Hours Available
Definition: The time period when the organization or department may be contacted.

Format: Free text.

Hours Available: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday
Contact Instructions
Definition: Additional instructions on how or when to contact the organization or department.

Format: Free text.

Address Details

Address Details includes information describing the type of address and the individual components of the address for the person or organization to which the contact information applies.

This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.

Address Type
Definition: Information describing the nature of the address.

Format: Select from list: mailing address, physical address, mailing and physical address; or free text.
Building/Office Detail
Definition: A name or descriptive designation that may be associated with the building, office, or office complex.

Format: Free text.

Building/Office detail: Southpointe Towers, Suite 205
Building/Office detail: Research Park
Street Address
Definition: details defining the street location.

Format: Free Text.

Post Office Box
Definition: The post office box number or designation if one exists for the address.

Format: Free text.
Definition: The city of the address.

Format: Free text.
State or Province
Definition: The state or province of the address. The full name of the state or province should be given (do not use abbreviations).

Format: Free text.
Postal Code
Definition: The Zip code or other postal code for the address.

Format: Free text.
Definition: The country of the address.

Format: Free text.

Communication Details

Communication Details includes information describing various means of directly contacting the person or organization to which the contact information applies. This metadata element encompasses the following sub-elements.

Voice Telephone
Definition: The telephone number by which individuals can speak with the person or organization.

Format: Include country code, region (area) code, and local number.

Voice Telephone: 1-517-797-2700
Facsimile Telephone
Definition: The telephone number of a facsimile machine of the person or organization.

Format: Include country code, region (area) code, and local number.

Facsimile Telephone: 1-517-797-2600
Electronic Mail Address
Definition: The address of the electronic mailbox (email) of the person or organization.

Format: Free text.

Electronic Mail Address:
Definition: The name of any other resource that provides a means of communicating with the contact person or organization (such as telex, cable, online linkage, etc.).

Format: If providing an online address, follow the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) convention of the Internet.

Online Linkage:
TDD/TTY Telephone
Definition:The telephone number by which hearing-impaired individuals can contact the person or organization.

Format: Include country code, region (area) code, and local number.